Celebrating National Dog Day with My Pet's Brace

National Dog Day is celebrated every year on August 26th. This special day for dogs was founded in 2004 by animal rescue advocate and dog trainer Colleen Paige. The day celebrates all types and breeds of dogs and hopes to amplify the awareness of the number of dogs that need to be rescued each year. Learn more about National Dog Day by visiting National Dog Day - Celebrating Dogs.

This year for National Dog Day, Union Orthotics & Prosthetics Co. would like to spotlight My Pet’s Brace and celebrate Pet O & P Clinician, Katie Mirobelli.


My Pet's Brace offers unique orthotic and prosthetic solutions for the rehabilitation of dogs and pets so they can lead active and happy lives. The goal at My Pet’s Brace is to provide the most comfortable and securely fit brace and prosthetics made individually and uniquely for each dog. They promise that every pet will receive the very best care delivered in a warm, caring and helpful manner.


Katie specializes in creating custom orthotic and prosthetic devices for furry friends who have mobility issues or injuries. Katie has been part of the greater Pittsburgh veterinary community for the past decade. She has a busy home with three dogs, Tuckerby, Loki, and Aragorn, and two cats, Beezer and Ozmataz.

How long have you been with the company?
I have worked with the My Pet’s Brace Pittsburgh office since it opened in 2018, so 6 years, now!

Where did you study?
I have bachelor's and master's degrees in an unrelated field (forensic anthropology). I started working in the veterinary field in 2008, starting as an assistant and training on the job to work as a veterinary technician. Most of my experience is in emergency and critical care medicine. I worked as a vet tech for 10 years before coming on with My Pet’s Brace

How did you get into the field?
Employment in my original field is pretty sparse. When I first moved to Pittsburgh, I sought out work involving animals, as I have always enjoyed working with dogs, cats, etc

What is your clinical specialization?
I have the most experience in emergency medicine, but worked for 5 years as an ICU technician at PVSEC. However, with the length of time I’ve been working for My Pet’s Brace, it’s certainly going to overtake that soon. The wonderful thing is I get to apply a lot of my previous experience to this field!

What do you like most about working in pet orthotics and prosthetics?
I love that it is an entirely new skill set to learn. Some things become more routine, but there’s always something new to keep me jumping.

I also enjoy the instant gratification of seeing a pet walk more comfortably once the brace is on. It’s a very rewarding feeling!

How do you think new technology could change the direction of pet O & P?
I think 3D printing and scanning will eventually be prominent in Canine O & P, but both technologies have to get faster and more accurate for furry, waggly patients.

What is your greatest achievement/what are you most proud of in your professional career?
I’m very proud of all I’ve learned in this field, and the achievements I’ve had while learning as I go.

What is your biggest joy in working with patients?
My biggest joy, as I’ve said before, is watching dogs walk and run with their braces and carts. They’re so joyous. I remember a young corgi with spinal issues who got a mobility cart for his hind legs. He was so upset when we first put in in his cart, but as soon as we threw a tennis ball for him, he was running and jumping and playing. He emptied the toy box over the course of that appointment.

What advice would you give to someone wanting to get into pet prosthetics and orthotic care?
Remember that with everything veterinary, you really have to strive to be a jack of all trades. You can’t just know orthotics and biomechanics. You have to be able to recognize when your patients are scared, or in pain. You have to be able to recognize when their presentation isn’t matching up to the reason they’re seeking treatment. You have to know how to set them at ease and make each step of the process as nonstressful as possible. It takes practice to be able to effectively communicate with patients who are a different species than your own.

What do you do outside of work?
I am a big reader, especially horror and mysteries. I also have 2 dogs and 2 cats, so I spend a lot of time with them as well!

What is a fun fact about yourself?
I grew up near the ocean, and love swimming and sea kayaking (can’t surf to save my life, though).

What is your favorite food?
Anything at all? A nice spicy Thai curry. Comfort food? Mac and Cheese (you gotta do homemade).


Did you know My Pet’s Brace has a TV Show?! Check your local FOX TV listings for episodes of Second Chance Pets to see the work of My Pet’s Brace in action!

My Pet’s Brace has locations in Morgantown and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Toms River, New Jersey and Round Rock, Texas.

Learn more about My Pet's Brace at www.mypetsbrace.com.