Contact Us

We have 19 locations. Our main office is at 3424 Liberty Avenue in Pittsburgh with branch offices throughout Western Pennsylvania.

Please feel free to contact us! Complete the form below and we will reach out to you. For immediate assistance call us at 412-622-2020.

*We will never share, trade, or otherwise sell any personal information such as phone numbers or SMS consent for third parties under any circumstances.
Privacy Policy

Shadowing Request Form

If you are interested in shadowing opportunities, please download the Shadowing Request Form, fill it out completely and email back to Once processed, we will contact you to set up the opportunity.

Shadowing Request Form


Thank you for your interest in Union Orthotics & Prosthetics Co., Western Pennsylvania’s leader in providing high quality prosthetic, orthotic and wound care services. We value a positive working environment and excellent customer service through compassion, innovation and trust.

Current Employment Opportunities


For residency opportunities, please complete the form below.

*We will never share, trade, or otherwise sell any personal information such as phone numbers or SMS consent for third parties under any circumstances.
Privacy Policy